Form NumberForm Name
843Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement
965Inclusion of Deferred Foreign Income Upon Transition to Participation Exemption System
965 AIndividual Report of Net 965 Tax Liability
982Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness
1040Individual Income Tax Return
1040ESEstimated Tax Payment Vouchers
1040 NRUS Individual Income Tax Return for Non Resident Aliens
1040 SRU.S. Tax Return for Seniors
1040 SSU.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Additional Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico)
1040VForm 1040 Payment Voucher
1040X1040 Amended Return
1042 SForeign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding
RRB 1042 SRailroad Retirement Board
SSA 1042 SSocial Security Benefits
1045Application for Tentative Refund
W-2Wage and Tax Statement
W-2 CMCNMI Wage and Tax Statement
W-2 GCertain Gambling Winnings
W-2 GUGuam Wage and Tax Statement
W-2 VIU.S. Virgin Islands Wage and Tax Statement
499 R/W-2 PRRecord of Puerto Rico Withholding
W-4Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate
1095-AHealth Insurance Marketplace Statement
1098 CContributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, or Airplanes
1098-TTuition statement
1099 AAcquition or Abandonment of Secured Property
1099 BProceeds From Broker and Barter Exchange Transactions
1099 CCancellation of Debt
1099 GCertain Government Payments
1099 KPayment Card and Third Party Network Transactions
1099 SProceeds from Real Estate Transactions
1099 SADistributions from an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA
1099 SFInterest received from seller finance mortgage summary
1099 INTInterest Income
1099 DIVDividends and Distributions
1099 - MISCMiscellaneous Income
1099 NECNonemployee Compensation
1099 OIDOriginal Issue Discount
1099 PATRTaxable Distributions Received From Cooperatives
1099 QPayments from Qualified Education Programs
1099 QADistributions From ABLE Accounts
CSA 1099 RStatement of Annuity Paid
1099 RDistributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
RRB1099Railroad Retirement Benefits
RRB1099 RTier 1 Railroad Retirement Benefits
SSA1099Social Security Benefits
1116Foreign Income Tax Credit
1310Refund Due to a Deceased Taxpayer
2106Employee Business Expenses
2120Multiple Support Declaration
2159Payroll Deduction Agreement
2210Underpayment of Estimated Tax
2210 FUnderpayment of Estimated Tax By Farmers and Fishermen
2439Undistributed Long Term Capital Gains
2441Child & Dependent Care Expenses
2555Foreign Earned Income
3115Application for Change in Accounting Method
3468Investment Credit
3800General Business Credit
3903Moving Expenses
4136Credit for Tax Paid on Fuels
4137Tax on Unreported Tip Income
4255Recapture of Investment Credit
4562Depreciation and Amortization
4563Exclusion of Income for Bona Fide Residents of American Samoa
461Limitation on Business Losses
4684Casualty and Theft Losses
4797Trade or Business Gains and Losses
4835Farm Rental Income
4852Substitute for Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, or Form 1099-R, Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.
4868Automatic Extension of Time to File
4952Investment Interest Expense Deduction
4970Tax on Accumulation Distribution of Trusts
4972Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions
5074Allocation of Individual Income Tax to Guam or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)
5213Election To Postpone Determination as To Whether the Presumption Applies That an Activity Is Engaged in for Profit
5329Additional Taxes on Qualified Retirement Plans
5405Repayment of the First-Time Homebuyer Credit
5471Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations
5695Residential Energy Credit
5884Work Opportunity Credit
5884 AEmployee Retention Credit for Employers Affected by Qualified Disasters
5884 BNew Hire Retention Credit
6198At-Risk Limitations
6251Alternative Minimum Tax
6252Installment Sale Income
6478Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel
6765Credit for Increasing Research Activities
6781Gains and Losses from Section 1256 Contracts and Straddles
7203S Corporation Shareholder Stock and Debt Basis Limitations
7206Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction
7207Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit
8082Notice of Inconsistent Treatment or Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR)
8275Disclosure Statement
8275RRegulation Disclosure Statement
8283Non-cash Charitable Contributions
8288 AStatement of Withholding on Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property Interests
8332Release for Exemption for Child of Divorced Parents
8379Injured Spouse Claim
8396Mortgage Interest Credit
8453U.S. Individual Income Tax Transmittal for an IRS e-file Return
8582 CRPassive Activity Credit Limitations
8582Passive Activity Loss Limitation
8586Low-Income Housing Credit
8594Asset Acquisition Statement Under Section 1060
8606Nondeductible IRA's
8609-AAnnual Statement for Low-Income Housing Credit
8611Recapture of Low-Income Housing Credit
8615Computation of Tax for Children under 14
8621Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund
8689Allocation of Individual Income Tax to the U.S. Virgin Islands
8697Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Completed Long-Term Contracts
8801Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax
8805Foreign Partner's Information Statement of Section 1446 Withholding Tax
8814Parent's Election to Report Child's Income
8815Exclusion of Interest from Series EE & I Savings Bonds
8820Orphan Drug Credit
8821Tax Information Authorization
8822Change of Address
8824Like Kind Exchanges
8826Disabled Access Credit
8828Recapture of Federal Mortgage Subsidy
8829Expense for Business Use of Your Home
8830Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit
8833Treaty Based Return Position Disclosure
8834Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit
8835Renewable Electricity Production Credit
8838 PConsent To Extend the Time To Assess Tax Pursuant to the Gain Deferral Method (Section 721(c))
8839Qualified Adoption Expenses
8840Closer Connection Exception Statement for Aliens
8843Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition
8844Empowerment Zone and Renewal Community Employment Credit
8845Indian Employment Credit
8846Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employee Tips
8853Archer MSAs and LTC Insurance Contracts
8854Initial and Annual Expatriation Statement
8859District of Columbia First-Time Homebuyer Credit
8862Information to Claim EIC After Disallowance
8863Education Credits
8864Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit
8865Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships
8866Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Property Depreciated Under the Income Forecast Method
8874New Markets Credit
8880Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions
8881Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs
8882Credit for Employer-Provided Childcare Facilities and Services
8886Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement
8888Multiple Direct Deposit Form for Efile Purposes
8889Health Savings Account
8896Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production Credit
8898Statement for Individuals Who Begin or End Bona Fide Residence in a U.S. Possession
8900Qualified Railroad Truck Maintenance Credit
8906Distilled Spirits Credit
8907Nonconventional Source Fuel Credit
8908Energy Efficient Home Credit
8909Energy Efficient Appliance Credit
8910Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit
8911Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit
8912Credit for Clean Renewable Energy and Gulf Tax Credit Bonds
8915 AQualified 2016 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
8915 BQualified 2017 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
8915 CQualified 2018 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
8915 DQualified 2019 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
8915 FQualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
8919Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages with Instructions
8925Report of Employer-Owned Life Insurance Contracts
8931Agricultural Chemicals Security Credit
8932Credit for Employer Differential Wage Payments
8933Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Credit
8936Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit
8938Statement of Foreign Financial Assets
8941Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums Instructions
8949Sale and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets
8958Allocation of Tax Amounts Between Certain Individuals in Community Property States
8959Additional Medicare Tax
8960Net Investment Income Tax-Individuals, Estates, and Trusts
8962Premium tax credit
8990Limitation on Business Interest Expense Under Section 163(j)
8992U.S. Shareholder Calculation of Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI)
8995Qualified Business Income Deduction Simplified Computation
8995 AQualified Business Income Deduction
8997Initial and Annual Statement of Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) Investments
9000Alternative Media Preference
9325Acknowledgement and General Information for Taxpayers Who File Returns Electronically
9465Installment Agreement Request
Supported Federal Tax Schedules ~ Tax Year 2023
Schedule NameSchedule Detail
Schedule 1Additional Income and Adjustments to Income
Schedule 2Additional Taxes
Schedule 3Additional Credits and Payments
Schedule AItemized Deductions
Schedule BInterest and Ordinary Dividends
Schedule CProfit/Loss from Business
Schedule DCapital Gains and Losses
Schedule ERental and Royalty Income
Schedule EICEarned Income Credit
Schedule FFarm Income/Loss
Schedule HHousehold Employment Taxes
Schedule JFarm Income Averaging
Schedule K-1 1041Beneficiaries Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc
Schedule K-1 1065Partners Share of Income, Credits, Deductions, etc.
Schedule K-1 1120SShareholders Share of Income, Credits, Deductions, etc.
Schedule LEPRequest for Change in Language Preference
Schedule RCredit for the Elderly
Schedule SESelf-Employment Tax
Schedule 8812Credits for Qualifying Children and Other Dependents
1040 NR Schedule AItemized Deductions
1040 NR Schedule NECTax on Income Not Effectively Connected With a U.S. Trade or Business
1040 NR Schedule OIOther Information
1116 (Schedule B)Foreign Tax Carryover Reconciliation Schedule
5471 Schedule EIncome, War Profits, and Excess Profits Taxes Paid or Accrued
5471 Schedule HCurrent Earnings and Profits
5471 Schedule I-1Information for Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income
5471 Schedule JAccumulated Earnings & Profits (E&P) of Controlled Foreign Corporation
5471 Schedule MTransactions Between Controlled Foreign Corporation and Shareholders or Other Related Persons
5471 Schedule OOrganization or Reorganization of Foreign Corporation, and Acquisitions and Dispositions of its Stock
5471 Schedule PPreviously Taxed Earnings and Profits of U.S. Shareholder of Certain Foreign Corporations
5471 Schedule QCFC Income by CFC Income Groups
5471 Schedule RDistributions From a Foreign Corporation
8865 - Schedule GStatement of Application of the Gain Deferral Method Under Section 721(c)
8865 - Schedule HAcceleration Events and Exceptions Reporting Relating to Gain Deferral Method Under Section 721(c)
8865 - Schedule PAcquisitions, Dispositions, and Changes of Interests in a Foreign Partnership
8865 - Schedule OTransfer of Property to a Foreign Partnership (Under Section 6038B)
8936 - Schedule AClean Vehicle Credit Amount
8992 Schedule ASchedule of Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) Information to Compute Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI)
8995 A - Schedule ASpecified Service Trades or Businesses
8995 A - Schedule BAggregation of Business Operations
8995 A - Schedule CLoss Netting and Carryforward
8995 A - Schedule DSpecial Rules for Patrons of Agricultural or Horticultural Cooperatives
965 - Schedule FForeign Taxes Deemed Paid by Domestic Corporation
965 - Schedule HAmounts Reported on Forms 1116 and 1118 and Disallowed Foreign Taxes
All 1040 Worksheets can be found in the TY2023 1040 Instructions
1040 Worksheet Name
Simplified Method Worksheet
Social Security Benefits Worksheet
Standard Deduction Worksheet for Dependents
Foreign Earned Income Tax Worksheet
Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet
Earned Income Credit worksheet A
Earned Income Credit worksheet B
State and Local Income Tax Refund Worksheet
Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction Worksheet
IRA Deduction Worksheet
Student Loan Interest Deduction Worksheet
Worksheet Form 6251-Schedule 2, Line 1
Exemption Worksheet for Form 6251 line 5
State and Local General Sales Tax Deduction Worksheet
Mortgage Insurance Premiums Deduction Worksheet
Business use of your home (Simplified Method Worksheet)
Capital Loss Carryover Worksheet
28% Rate Gain Worksheet
Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain Worksheet
Schedule D Tax Worksheet
Worksheet for Household Employers in a Credit Reduction State
Credit Limit Worksheet
Earned Income Worksheet
Additional Medicare Tax and RRTA Tax Worksheet
Worksheet for Lump-Sum Distributions
Worksheet for Home Mortgage Interest
Worldwide Qualified Dividends and Capital Gains
Worksheet for Form 2210 Figure the Penalty (Penalty Worksheet)
Worksheet for 2022 Expenses Paid in 2023
Limit on Housing Expenses Worksheet
Housing Deduction Carryover Worksheet
Worksheet for Maximum section 179 limitation calculation
Section 179 Business Income Limit Worksheet
Taxpayer's Modified AGI
Dependents Combined Modified AGI
Household Income as a Percentage of the Federal Poverty Line
Alternative Calculation for Marriage Eligibility
Your Alternative Monthly Contribution Amount
Your Alternative Monthly Credit Amounts for Pre-Marriage Months
Alternative Calculation for Year of Marriage Totals Worksheet
Worksheet To Determine if the QSEHRA Is Considered Affordable
Worksheet To Figure Monthly Credit Amount if You Have a QSEHRA
Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction and PTC
Simplified Calculation and Iterative Calculation Method
Maximum Roth IRA Contribution Worksheet
8582 Worksheet 1- 6
Qualified Adoption Expenses
Figure Your Taxable Benefits Under the Lump-Sum Election Method
Figure Your Additional Taxable Benefits From a Lump-Sum Payment
Tax for Certain Children Who Have Investment Income of More Than $2,500
Alimony Received
Alimony Paid
Additional Dependents
Foreign Employer Compensation
Estimated Tax Payments
Clean Fuel Deduction
Household Employee Income
SEP, SIMPLE, Qualified Plans
Charitable contribution Deduction Limits
Worksheet for Basis Adjustments
Worksheet for Accrued Market Discount Adjustment
Worksheet for Contingent Payment Debt Instrument Adjustment
Other Adjustments
Other Income
Other Taxes
Unemployment Income
IRS Income Tax Publications ~ Tax Year 2023
Publication NumberPublication Name
3Tax Guide for Armed Forces
17Income Tax Guide For Individuals
225Tax Guide for Farmers
463Travel, Meal, Entertainment, Gift and Car Expenses
501Filing Information
502Medical and Dental Expenses
503Child and Dependent Care Expenses
504Divorced or Separated Individuals
505Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax
514Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals
517Social Security and Other Information for Members of the Clergy and Religious Workers
521Moving Expenses
523Selling Your Home
525Taxable and Nontaxable Income
526Charitable Contributions
527Residential Rental Property
529Miscellaneous Deductions
535Business Expenses
550Investment Income and Expenses
557Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization
560Retirement Plans for Small Business
575Pension and Annuity Income
587Business Use of the Home
590-AContributionsto Individual Retirement Arrangements(IRAs)
590-BDistributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements(IRAs)
596Earned Income Credit
600State and Local General Sales Taxes
794Favorable Determination Letter
915Social Security and Railroad Benefits
929Tax Rules for Children and Dependents
938Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits (REMICS) Reporting Information (And Other Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs))
946How to Depreciate Property
970Tax Benefits for Education
974Premium Tax Credit (PTC)
1141General Rules and Specifications for Substitute Forms W-2 and W-3
1546Taxpayer Advocate Service by the IRS
4681Canceled Debts, Foreclosures, Repossessions, and Abandonments (For Individuals)
4731Screening Sheet for Volunteers Assisting Taxpayers with Form 1099-C
N746Information About Your Notice, Penalty and Interest
P1321Special Instructions for Bona Fide Residents Of Puerto Rico Who Must File A U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040)